Über den Autor Phaidon Editors
Amy de la Haye is a dress historian, writer, curator, professor at London College of Fashion, and author of Ravishing: The Rose in Fashion.Victoria Gaiger is the founder, editor, and creative director at Rakesprogress magazine, rakesSENSE, and RAKESCREATIVE.Kristine Paulus is a writer and the Collection Development Librarian at the LuEsther T. Mertz Library, New York Botanical Garden.Shane Connolly is a floral designer, ambassador for sustainable floristry, and director of Shane Connolly & Company.Michael Marriott is the former head rosarian at David Austin Roses, author of RHS Roses (2022), and chairman of the Historic Roses Group.Advisory panel: Shane Connolly, Amy de la Haye, Brent Elliott, Victoria Gaiger, Hazel Gardiner, Marc Jeanson, Michael Marriott, Kristine Paulus, and Anna Pavord. Additional texts: Giovanni Aloi, Matthew Biggs, Shane Connolly, Tim Cooke, Anita Croy, Amy de la Haye, Ellen Mara De Wachter, Brent Elliott, Celia Fisher, Diane Fortenberry, Tom Furness, Victoria Gaiger, Rob Kesseler, Michael Marriott, Marta McDowell, Mairi MacKenzie, Colleen Morris, Kristine Paulus, Rebecca Roke, Gill Saunders, James Smith, and David Trigg.