The Wilderness von Samantha Harvey

CHF 32.90
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: Lieferbar in ca. 10-20 Arbeitstagen
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It's Jake's birthday. He is sitting in a small plane, being flown over the landscape that has been the backdrop to his life - his childhood, his marriage, his work, his passions. Now he is in his early sixties, and he isn't quite the man he used to be. He has lost his wife, his son is in prison, and he is about to lose his past. Jake has Alzheimer's.

As the disease takes hold of him, Jake struggles to hold on to his personal story, to his memories and identity, but they become increasingly elusive and unreliable. What happened to his daughter? Is she alive, or long dead? And why exactly is his son in prison? What went so wrong in his life? There was a cherry tree once, and a yellow dress, but what exactly do they mean? As Jake, assisted by 'poor Eleanor', a childhood friend with whom for some unfathomable reason he seems to be sleeping, fights the inevitable dying of the light, the key events of his life keep changing as he tries to grasp them, and what until recently seemed solid fact is melting into surreal dreams or nightmarish imaginings. Is there anything he'll be able to salvage from the wreckage? Beauty, perhaps, the memory of love, or nothing at all?

From the first sentence to the last, The Wilderness holds us in its grip. This is writing of extraordinary power and beauty.
ISBN: 978-0-224-08607-3
GTIN: 9780224086073
Autor Harvey, Samantha
Verlag Random House UK
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2009
Seitenangabe 336 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Masse H22.2 cm x B14.5 cm x D2.8 cm 465 g

Über den Autor Samantha Harvey

Samantha Harvey, 1975 geboren, ist eine britische Schriftstellerin von mehreren Romanen und einem Memoir. Ihr literarisches Werk erhielt hymnische Besprechungen und wurde für viele renommierte Preise nominiert, u.a. dem Man Booker Prize und dem Women's Prize for Fiction. Sie lebt in Bath und unterrichtet dort Kreatives Schreiben. 'Umlaufbahnen', ihr fünfter Roman, wurde für mehrere Preise nominiert und mit dem Booker Prize 2024 ausgezeichnet.Julia Wolf, 1980 geboren, ist Schriftstellerin und Übersetzerin. Für ihre Romane ('Walter Nowak bleibt liegen', 'Alte Mädchen') erhielt sie u.a. den 3sat-Preis, den Licher Literaturpreis und war für den Deutschen Buchpreis nominiert. Zu ihren übersetzen Autoren gehören neben Samantha Harvey auch Szilvia Molnar und Joy Williams.

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