Toxic von Ico Romero Reyes

The World's Deadliest Creatures
CHF 24.90
Einband: Fester Einband
Verfügbarkeit: Neuauflage/Nachdruck Februar 2025
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Discover a spine-tingling collection of toxic animals, and learn about the astonishing strategies they use to deliver venom and poison.

Creatures from all around the animal kingdom wield a mysterious weapon that is key to their survival: poison! These sophisticated concoctions are designed with precision to defy predators or subdue prey. Big-eyed fuzzy critters with a deadly bite; tiny flashy octopuses that can kill in minutes; sinister spiders, snakes and scorpions...
ISBN: 978-0-500-65291-6
GTIN: 9780500652916
Autor Romero Reyes, Ico / García, Tània
Verlag Thames and Hudson
Einband Fester Einband
Erscheinungsjahr 2022
Seitenangabe 48 S.
Ausgabekennzeichen Englisch
Abbildungen Illustrated in colour throughout, Illustrated in colour throughout
Masse H32.0 cm x B25.7 cm 620 g

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