4 Ergebnisse.

Phaedrus Fabeln
Modern learning groups in Latin classes have become very diverse. Latin teachers are confronted daily with the heterogeneity of their pupils with regard to their abilities, talents and interests, which is why they are in such need of broad and in part playful material for translation and interpretation purposes. Fables of varying degrees of difficulty can fulfill this need: Each ...

33,90 CHF

Das heterogene Klassenzimmer
Kinder und Jugendliche unterscheiden sich im Hinblick auf ihre Fähigkeiten, ihre Leistungsbereitschaft, ihre Lernwege wie auch bezüglich ihres Geschlechts, ihres soziokulturellen Hintergrunds etc.Viele Lehrkräfte fühlen sich mit einer heterogenen Unterrichtssituation allein gelassen und suchen nach alltagstauglichen Methoden, mit denen alle Schülerinnen und Schüler gefördert und gefordert werden können. Das Buch enthält praxisorientierte Anregungen zum Umgang mit heterogenen Lerngruppen und zeigt ...

36,50 CHF

Begabtenförderung - ganz praktisch
Some remain undiscovered or misunderstood, others underappreciated and underchallenged. That is for some highly gifted children the reality of everyday life in preschool or school. How can we help highly gifted children and adolescents to develop more self-assurance, to discover their hidden talents and to become strong personalities? How can teachers, parents and caretakers alike recognize the highly gifted at ...

41,90 CHF

Denn sie wissen, was sie können
What accounts for good or poor school performance? And how can teachers properly evaluate and differentiate students?The theme of evaluating performance is a hotly disputed topic among students, parents and teachers alike. Based on the grades they get, students are rarely able to understand what they are truly capable of (or not) and whether (and how) they will be able ...

36,50 CHF