286 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

They fascinate us today as they did 500 years ago: elaborate compositions of exotic fruits or platters with oysters, floral arrangements and skulls, exquisitely decorated musical instruments and scientific instruments. Magical things testify to exuberant wealth and hedonism as well as to the enlightened curiosity and religious fervor of the Baroque era. This lavishly illustrated book that even features a ...

51,90 CHF

Beuys – Lehmbruck
Almost no one has had more of an influence on 20th century art than Joseph Beuys. When he received the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Prize from the city of Duisburg in 1986, he described in his speech how he had arrived at his concept of social sculpture via the work of Lehmbruck: „Everything is sculpture!" was the call that came to him ...

65,00 CHF

Meschac Gaba
Mit überraschender Leichtigkeit widmet sich Ekué Woekedje Meschac Gaba (*1961 in Cotonou, Benin) in seiner Kunst großen gesellschaftspolitischen Fragen, wie etwa den aktuellen Auswirkungen des Kolonialismus im Kontext der Globalisierung. Ein zentrales Motiv seiner Werke ist die Banknote. Manipulierte Geldscheine symbolisieren in seinen Arbeiten ein abstraktes Währungssystem, das auf abstruse Weise über soziale Exklusion und Integration entscheidet. Der Künstler trotzt ...

49,90 CHF

Klasse Gesellschaft
One feature of seventeenth-century Dutch genre painting is its focus on daily life. It was not uncommon for artistic beauty to find itself challenged by the claim to aesthetic truths. What was once a novelty in Netherlandish art, however, has lost none of its charisma for today's viewers. This illustrated volume offers evidence of this in a fascinating dialogue between ...

29,90 CHF

Von der Sprache aus
In a 1985 series of "Lectures on one's own country: Germany", given at the Munich Kammerspiele, Joseph Beuys said that he developed his work "from language." He regarded language as equal to visual art-a flexible material through which every individual could physically, intellectually, and communicatively participate in the process of re-ordering society. His exploration of language ranges from silence to ...

51,90 CHF

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
This volume accompanies the first major survey of the work of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, a London-born painter and author with roots in Ghana. Around eighty paintings, drawings, and prints from private and public collections in Europe and the United States are assembled here, joining new, previously unseen works. Yiadom-Boakye's main theme is the human being, the women and men, painted with ...

29,90 CHF

Stefan Römer
»Deconceptualize« basiert auf der Hypothese, dass Minimalismus und Konzeptualismus im künstlerischen Schreiben höchst relevante Grundlagen für die Praxis der Artistic Research gelegt haben. Schrift dient hier zur Selbsterforschung, Selbstverteidigung und Selbstermächtigung sowie als Notation, Material oder Bild.STEFAN RÖMER (*1960) ist Künstler und Kunsttheoretiker. Er promovierte zu Strategien des Fake - Kritik von Original und Fälschung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. ...

35,50 CHF

Der Einfluss von Künstlergruppen auf die Kunstentwicklung ist in der Kunstgeschichte bisher nur fragmentarisch untersucht worden. Dieses Buch beleuchtet die Entwicklung von Kollektiven, die historischen Voraussetzungen ihrer Entstehung, ihre politischen Intentionen und ihre konkreten oder bisweilen utopischen Ideen in der jeweiligen künstlerischen Zeitgenossenschaft. Herausgearbeitet werden die entsprechenden Motivationen dieser Gruppierungen, ihre spezifischen Arbeits- und Ausdrucksformen sowie der Einfluss, den diese ...

85,00 CHF

Alexandra Bircken
The title seems to announce a comprehensive encyclopedia: from A as in "additive" to Z as in "zircon, " each and every object or material has the potential to become an element in one of Alexandra Bircken's fascinating objects or installations. Whether it's packing materials, machine parts, or bones, everything finds a use-organic and inorganic, raw materials and industrially produced ...

66,00 CHF

Imaging Beuys
The Kassel-based photographer Dieter Schwerdtle liked to compare working on a photographic portrait with conducting a conversation. He combines the intimacy of the gaze and the feeling for one's counterpart with a playful approach to the artificial pose. This is as true of the photographs of documenta artists such as Richard Serra, Jonathan Borofsky and Ilya Kabakov as it is ...

42,90 CHF

Schau nach oben Aya und du kannst die Sterne greifen
This enchanting volume by an artist couple who are also parents tells a very touching rite of passage story. Jeppe Hein and his wife Silke have teamed up to create a very special kind of picture book. It tells of the multifaceted experiences of the caterpillar Aya and its metamorphosis into a no less multifaceted radiant butterfly. The illustrations bring ...

35,50 CHF

Mode schauen
From time immemorial, magnificent garments have been a major representational medium. They provide information about the social rank and the financial resources of their wearers. An exhibit of royal fashions and their depictions in portraits from the Renaissance to the Rococo offers well-known experts an opportunity to provide a perspective on the interplay of politics, power, and fashion. They trace ...

60,50 CHF

Peter Gustaf Dorén
As differentiated as art history is today, a major chapter has been largely neglected: the craft of the interior decorator. And this, even though the delicate aesthetic sensibilities, the sense of color, and the eye for composition required to decorate private rooms have more direct influence on our lives than any work of art in any museum could lay claim ...

66,00 CHF

Thomas Ruff
Thomas Ruffs Fotoserien berühren - unverwandt blicken uns aus überlebensgroßen Porträts junge Menschen an, sterile Hausfassaden kommentieren die Tristesse der Vorstädte, verpixelte Aktfotos aus Internetpornos lassen zentrale Details kaum erahnen und verweisen doch auf die Macht dieser Bilder. In Ausstellungen zeigt der Fotograf groß dimensionierte Abzüge, die nur wenige Male hergestellt werden. Er produziert jedoch konsequent auch kleinformatige Fotoprints in ...

68,00 CHF

Schule des Augenblicks
Although it is still a relatively young art form, photography is characterized by a changeability and richness of facets that is unparalleled. Initially, as the "pencil of nature, " it amazed its viewers because it was able to capture reality itself on glass and paper. But soon it shone through its possibilities for artistic mise en scène. Digital photography and ...

23,50 CHF

Jeder Mensch ist ein Künstler
In thirteen chapters, the exhibition and the accompanying catalogue offer profound insight into the cosmopolitan thinking of Joseph Beuys, as manifested in his actions, which are presented in the form of video projections and photographs. For it is in this capacity-as an acting, speaking, and moving figure-that Beuys examined the central, radical idea of his expanded concept of art: "Every ...

65,00 CHF

Ernst Wilhelm Nay
Der kunsthistorischen Forschung, dem Kunsthandel und jedem interessierten Kunstfreund gibt das lang erwartete, auf drei Bände angelegte Werkverzeichnis der Papierarbeiten von E. W. Nay (1902-1968) einen bleibenden Überblick über Nays Schaffen und erleichtert das Verständnis und die Einsicht in seine Kunst. Sein Werk auf Papier ist mit weit über 6000 Aquarellen, Gouachen und Zeichnungen ungleich größer als das der Ölgemälde. ...

277,00 CHF

Vera Frenkel
Die Monografie legt eine erste große Übersicht der bedeutendsten Arbeiten der in Bratislava geborenen kanadischen Künstlerin Vera Frenkel vor. Sie ist mit ihren reflektierten, transdisziplinären Arbeiten seit den 1970er-Jahren international präsent. Ihre Installationen, Videos, Essays und Websites thematisieren zentrale Fragen in einem Zeitalter, das wie nie zuvor von Migration, Flucht und Gewalt betroffen ist. Dazu gehören die Politik des Archivs, ...

68,00 CHF