225 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Peter Gustaf Dorén
As differentiated as art history is today, a major chapter has been largely neglected: the craft of the interior decorator. And this, even though the delicate aesthetic sensibilities, the sense of color, and the eye for composition required to decorate private rooms have more direct influence on our lives than any work of art in any museum could lay claim ...

66,00 CHF

Thomas Ruff
Thomas Ruffs Fotoserien berühren - unverwandt blicken uns aus überlebensgroßen Porträts junge Menschen an, sterile Hausfassaden kommentieren die Tristesse der Vorstädte, verpixelte Aktfotos aus Internetpornos lassen zentrale Details kaum erahnen und verweisen doch auf die Macht dieser Bilder. In Ausstellungen zeigt der Fotograf groß dimensionierte Abzüge, die nur wenige Male hergestellt werden. Er produziert jedoch konsequent auch kleinformatige Fotoprints in ...

68,00 CHF

Ernst Wilhelm Nay
Der kunsthistorischen Forschung, dem Kunsthandel und jedem interessierten Kunstfreund gibt das lang erwartete, auf drei Bände angelegte Werkverzeichnis der Papierarbeiten von E. W. Nay (1902-1968) einen bleibenden Überblick über Nays Schaffen und erleichtert das Verständnis und die Einsicht in seine Kunst. Sein Werk auf Papier ist mit weit über 6000 Aquarellen, Gouachen und Zeichnungen ungleich größer als das der Ölgemälde. ...

277,00 CHF

Vera Frenkel
Die Monografie legt eine erste große Übersicht der bedeutendsten Arbeiten der in Bratislava geborenen kanadischen Künstlerin Vera Frenkel vor. Sie ist mit ihren reflektierten, transdisziplinären Arbeiten seit den 1970er-Jahren international präsent. Ihre Installationen, Videos, Essays und Websites thematisieren zentrale Fragen in einem Zeitalter, das wie nie zuvor von Migration, Flucht und Gewalt betroffen ist. Dazu gehören die Politik des Archivs, ...

68,00 CHF

Philipp Zitzlsperger
The relationship between art and design has always been the subject of controversial discussion, not just since the Arts and Crafts movement began. The relationship between the two genres can look back on a long history of different positions, approaches, and new distinctions. A change in perspective is therefore urgently required. Zitzelsperger's argumentation is a historical one that traces the ...

39,90 CHF

Frauen in der Architektur
Why do women architects still not receive the recognition their work deserves? Women in Architecture is a manifesto for the great achievements of women in architecture. The voices of thirty-six internationally active women architects are heard through their own projects. This diverse panorama is supplemented by essays on pioneering female architects, and analyses that get to the bottom of the ...

65,00 CHF

Michael Morgner
Combining all of Michael Morgner's works in this unique publication not only creates an impressive panorama of this extraordinary oeuvre, it also provides a glimpse of the life behind the paintings and sculptures. Raised in Chemnitz and educated at the Academy of Visual Arts in Leipzig, Morgner was not only a freelance artist in the old German Democratic Republic, but ...

127,00 CHF

Die Picasso-Connection
Without a doubt, Picasso is one of the most important and versatile artistic personalities of the twentieth century. But how does a body of work become so successful, and how does it wind up in major collections, museums, and exhibitions? Not infrequently, it is the courage of individuals who recognize genius in the works and advocate for them in the ...

59,50 CHF

Kunst zum Hören: A House Full of Music
Wie kaum ein anderer vor ihm hat John Cage (1912-1992) die Frage nach den Grenzen der Musik und ihren Verbindungen zu anderen Kunstfeldern und der Alltagswelt immer wieder neu gestellt. Gemeinsam mit Erik Satie, Marcel Duchamp, Nam June Paik, und Joseph Beuys zählt er zu den großen Strategen und Pionieren der Musik und Kunst im 20. Jahrhundert. Ausgehend von diesen ...

25,90 CHF

Verner Panton Die Spiegel-Kantine
1969 bezieht der SPIEGEL-Verlag in Hamburg ein neues Domizil, das Verlagshaus erhält eine individuelle Inneneinrichtung: Der Däne Verner Panton (1926-1998) gestaltet das Gebäude um und weist jedem Stockwerk eine andere knallige Farbe zu. Seine dreidimensionalen Rauminstallationen und deren psychedelische Wirkung treffen genau den Zeitgeschmack. Leider empfinden kommende Journalistengenerationen anders und so wird Pantons Einrichtung in der Folge nach und nach ...

17,50 CHF

Tal Sterngast. Zwölf Bilder
The photographer and art critic Tal Sterngast dedicates each of the twelve texts in this book to a painting from the Gemäldegalerie der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin, which is renowned for its outstanding collection of European masterpieces from the thirteenth to the eighteenth centuries. In the synopsis of the author's idiosyncratic selection, a painting is presented, which discovers itself and ...

36,50 CHF

At the center of the catalogue 9 Künstlerinnen und ihre Modelle are nine women artists, all of whom concentrated upon portraits and self-portraits and represent outstanding, exemplary positions in the history of modernism since 1870. Here, the interest is in each artist's specific view of her surroundings, as it is expressed in portraits and self-portraits, and how this gaze has ...

73,00 CHF

Sigmund Freud himself was certainly aware of the significance of psychoanalysis when he founded it: he saw it on the same level as the Copernican revolution and Darwin's theory of evolution. The theory of the subconscious, which today has the status of an anthropological paradigm, originated at Berggasse 19 in Vienna. Today, in the building where Freud lived and had ...

74,00 CHF

Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta
Between 1561 and 1562 Georg Bocskay, secretary to Emperor Ferdinand I, assembled a large selection of contemporary and historical writings in the Mira Calligraphiae Monumenta, in an attempt to demonstrate his technical skill as a court scrivener. Around thirty years later, Ferdinand's grandson, Emperor Rudolf II commissioned Joris Hoefnagel, one of the last great European manuscript illuminators, to provide exclusive ...

104,00 CHF

Keith Haring
This vibrant book explores extraordinary artist Keith Haring's work in the context of key issues of his lifetime-the AIDS crisis, the Cold War, racism, the excesses of capitalism, and environmental degradation. Haring is widely recognized for his colorful paintings, drawings, sculptures, and murals. Haring exploded onto the early 1980s New York art scene with his vivid graffiti-inspired drawings, many of ...

16,50 CHF

Beethoven bewegt
Ludwig van Beethoven's universal, unique reception, the epic significance of his music, and the perception of his iconic, stylized personality allow for a vast number of starting points. This book develops a network of interdisciplinary possibilities and associations, opening up room for fascinating thoughts about Beethoven. Paintings by Caspar David Friedrich, William Turner's sketchbooks, prints by Francisco de Goya and ...

36,50 CHF

Wolfgang Pehnt. Städtebau des Erinnerns
Why is it that people refer to Dresden as "Florence on the Elbe"? And why is the nickname "Venice of the North" claimed by several cities, from Amsterdam, Bruges, and Hamburg, to St. Petersburg and Stockholm? And where will you not find a Rome-whether you're in Constantinople, the so-called new Rome with its seven hills, or in Moscow, which is ...

59,50 CHF

Im Namen des Bildes
In the Name of the Image primarily attempts to direct attention to the history of both Islamic and Christian cultures, tracing and analyzing their ways of dealing with images. Even though both Christianity and Islam are familiar with religious bans on images, pictures, portraits, and other works of pictorial art can still be found in both cultural areas. Still, the ...

78,00 CHF