142 Ergebnisse - Zeige 101 von 120.

Fostering a Climate of Inclusion in the College Classroom
This book examines inclusion teaching at the college and university level. It establishes the importance of the Humanities disciplines and the use of qualitative analysis as a means of understanding and encouraging democratic materials and classroom organization. The first section of the text provides two primers for those unfamiliar with pedagogical history and theory. These primers are designed to give ...

74,00 CHF

Black Men, Black Feminism
A brief commentary on the necessity and the impossibility of black men's participation in the development of black feminist theory and politics, Black Men, Black Feminism examines the basic assumptions that have guided-and misguided-black men's efforts to take up black feminism. Offering a rejoinder to the contemporary study of black men and masculinity in the twenty-first century, Jared Sexton interrogates ...

74,00 CHF

Power, Curriculum, and Embodiment
Winner of the 2019 AERA Division B (Curriculum Studies) Outstanding Book Award This book explores curriculum inquiry through the theoretical lens of governmentality as a site of disciplinary biopolitics and a system of heteropatriarchal political economy. Examining the powerscape in which education is currently situated, the author offers a conceptual framework for curriculum scholarship based on Foucault's genealogy of power, ...

80,00 CHF

Higher Education Access in the Asia Pacific
This edited volume offers empirical, evaluative, and philosophical perspectives on the question of higher education as a human right in the Asia Pacific. Throughout the region, higher education has grown rapidly in a variety of ways. Price, accessibility, mobility, and government funding are all key areas of interest, which likely shape the degree to which higher education may be viewed ...

80,00 CHF

Refiguring Techniques in Digital Visual Research
This book interrogates how new digital-visual techniques and technologies are being used in emergent configurations of research and intervention. It discusses technological change and technological possibility, theoretical shifts toward processual paradigms, and a respectful ethics of responsibility. The contributors explore how new and evolving digital-visual technologies and techniques have been utilized in the development of research, and reflect on how ...

70,00 CHF

Interdisciplinary Place-Based Learning in Urban Education
This book focuses on the interdisciplinary incorporation of place-based learning in faculty teaching strategies at the New York City College of Technology. Contributing authors highlight their creative use of the unique urban environment of Brooklyn, illustrating the integration of urban resources into student research projects and activities in the context of an interdisciplinary course. Beginning with a reflection on the ...

80,00 CHF

Native Cultural Competency in Mainstream Schooling
This book provides an in-depth analysis of Native American educational issues in the Northeast and highlights teacher training and instruction that address the experience and needs of the many Native students that attend reservation border town schools. Williams and Cole expand upon the results of a participatory action study that explored the barriers to success for Native American students in ...

80,00 CHF

Illness, Identity, and Taboo among Australian Paleo Dieters
This book explores the cultural and economic conditions fuelling the popularity of the polarizing Paleo diet in Australia. Based on ethnographic research in Melbourne and Sydney, Catie Gressier recounts the compelling narratives of individuals struggling with illness and weight issues. She argues that 'going Paleo' provides a sense of agency and means of resistance to the neoliberal policies and practices ...

80,00 CHF

Outcomes Based Funding and Race in Higher Education
This book examines how Performance or Outcomes Based Funding (POBF) policies impact racial equity in higher education. Over the last decade, higher education has become entrenched in a movement that holds colleges and universities more accountable to its supporters. There are pressures to answer questions about student outcomes and performance, the value of education, the effectiveness of instructors, and the ...

80,00 CHF

Restorying Environmental Education
This book examines a performative environmental educational inquiry through a place-based eco-art project collaboratively undertaken with a class of grade 4-6 students around the lost streams of Vancouver. The resulting work explores the contradictions gathered in relation to the Western educational system and the encounter with "Other" (real and imaginary others), including the shifting and growing "self, " and an ...

80,00 CHF

Corporal Punishment, Religion, and United States Public Schools
This book examines corporal punishment in United States public schools. The practice-which is still legal in nineteen states-affects approximately a quarter million children each year. Justification for the use of physical punishment is often based on religious texts. Rather than simply disregarding the importance of religious commitment, this volume presents an alternative faith-based response. The book suggests the "hermeneutical triad, ...

80,00 CHF

Das Buch gibt eine Einführung in einige zentrale Konzepte der (mathematischen) Spieltheorie und legt seinen Fokus dabei auf die Lösung von Nash- und verallgemeinerten Nash-Gleichgewichtsproblemen. Die meisten Probleme der Spieltheorie lassen sich nicht von Hand lösen, stattdessen ist man auf geeignete numerische Verfahren angewiesen, mit deren Hilfe zumindest eine Näherungslösung berechnet werden kann. Einen Schwerpunkt dieses Buches bilden daher eine ...

33,50 CHF

Vom Gemeingeist zum Habitus: Husserls Ideen II
Dieses Buch bietet die erste systematische Interpretation von Husserls Ideen für eine reine Phänomenologie und phänomenologische Philosophie anhand der neuen kritischen Edition von Ideen II (Hua IV/V).Es ermöglicht eine phänomenologische Auslegung des allgemein-metaphysischen Problems, wie physische, mentale und soziale Tatsachen zusammenhängen.Das Buch diskutiert und interpretiert detailliert einige von Husserls zentralen Konzeptionen und zeigt die Konsequenzen seines Denkansatzes und seiner Theorieentwicklung. ...

104,00 CHF

Leibliche Bilderfahrung
Was ist Wahnsinn und was ist Kunst? In dem Buch wirft die Autorin einen neuen Blick auf Kunstwerke aus der weltberühmten Sammlung Prinzhorn in Heidelberg. Die Werke, die um das Jahr 1900 von Patienten in psychiatrischen Einrichtungen geschaffen wurden, werden erstmals aus einer phänomenologischen Perspektive heraus betrachtet. Ausgangspunkt ist die Phänomenologie des Philosophen Maurice Merleau-Ponty und seines Konzepts von Leiblichkeit. ...

91,00 CHF

Resisting Violence
This book focuses on emotional engagement in academic research with victims of violence and testimonial documentation in Latin America. It examines the recent history of resistance to violence and political repression in Latin America, highlighting the role of emotions in the political sphere. The authors analyse the role of researchers committed to social change and question the mandate of distance ...

160,00 CHF

Karl Bühlers Krise der Psychologie
Im Mittelpunkt des Bandes steht Karl Bühlers 1927 veröffentlichte Schrift zur "Krise der Psychologie". Bühler setzt sich darin mit den verschiedenen Ansätzen zur Erforschung psychologischer Phänomene auseinander. Seine Analyse der sich seit Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts als eigenständige Disziplin konstituierenden Psychologie nehmen die Autoren zum Ausgangspunkt, um die "Positionen, Bezüge und Kontroversen im Wien der 1920er/30er Jahre" zu beleuchten. Dabei ...

116,00 CHF

Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen/Philosophy and Science in Hermann Cohen
Der Band versammelt einen Großteil der Beiträge, die internationale Experten anlässlich der Tagung "Philosophie und Wissenschaft bei Hermann Cohen" im November 2014 am Institut Wiener Kreis der Universität Wien präsentiert haben. Mit der Tagung zu Hermann Cohen (1842 - 1918), der zusammen mit Paul Natorp die Marburger Schule begründete, wurden zwei Ziele verfolgt: erstens die Aspekte in der Philosophie des ...

116,00 CHF

Der Realismus im logischen Empirismus
In der Studie geht Matthias Neuber der Frage nach, in welchem Verhältnis das Konzept des Realismus und der logische Empirismus des Wiener Kreises, eine der dominanten Strömungen der deutschsprachigen theoretischen Philosophie des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, zueinander stehen. Diese Fragestellung ist in der philosophiehistorischen Forschung bislang nur am Rande behandelt worden. Das ist umso erstaunlicher, als die neuere wissenschaftsphilosophische Realismusdebatte gerade ...

110,00 CHF

Clinical Handbook of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
This handbook examines evidence-based treatment of obsessive-compulsive and related disorders for a broad clinical audience. Focusing on both children and adults with these conditions, it discusses various manifestations of OCD (e.g., contamination, perfectionism), related conditions (e.g., hoarding, trichotillomania, and Tourette syndrome), and cases with complicating factors. Chapters describe case specifics, offer assessment guidelines, and illustrate evidence-based psychotherapy. Case examples depict ...

266,00 CHF

Grund und Freiheit
In der vorliegenden Studie geht der Autor den mannigfaltigen Zusammenhängen von Gründung und Begründung in der Welt nach, um mit Martin Heidegger zu zeigen, dass all diese Zusammenhänge Freiheit voraussetzen, aus Freiheit hervorgehen oder doch zumindest freiheitsbedingt sind. Die Analyse des ontologischen Freiheitsbegriffs Heideggers nimmt so die Gestalt einer phänomenologischen Destruktion von "Grund" an. Der Fokus des Buches liegt auf ...

110,00 CHF