140 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Adam Jankowski
Painting in the age of jet planes, atomic bombs and manned space travel ... must look different than before: everything is radiation ... and a brush with a jet propulsion from the compressor." (Adam Jankowski, 1972) The Austrian painter Adam Jankowski, who works in Hamburg and Berlin, in his visual research examines the concept of a realism that unites abstraction ...

23,90 CHF

In der "Herzen-Werkstatt" werden Kunst und Religion über das Motiv des "Herzens" in einen fruchtbaren Dialog miteinander gebracht. Bei der Betrachtung und Beschreibung ausgewählter Werke von Künstlern wie Ernst Barlach, Günther Uecker und Marcel Duchamp wird dabei deutlich: Die Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts befasst sich auf vielgestaltige und facettenreiche Weise mit Fragen der Spiritualität, der Emotionalität und des gesellschaftlichen Miteinanders, ...

35,90 CHF

Gabi Dziuba: Henning Strassburger fotografiert DZIUBA JEWELS Sommer 2018-2022
Seit über 40 Jahren ist Gabi Dziubas Schmuckdesign unverwechselbar und heute aktueller denn je. Ihre ästhetische Haltung und Konsequenz bieten besonders für eine Generation junger Künstler:Innen unzählige Reibungs- und zukünftige Anknüpfungspunkte. So entstand vor drei Jahren aus persönlicher Sympathie und der wechselseitigen Begeisterung über den jeweils anderen Blick auf die eigene Arbeit die Idee, dass Henning Strassburger DZIUBA JEWELS fotografiert. ...

27,90 CHF

Ich bin ein Stern und suche die Liebe
This artist's book is based on new works (2018 - 2021) that revolve around the private, political or religious in a lustful, provocative manner: The recurring motif of the person with the monkey head is Kafka-esque and thus constantly raises the question of what level we are at and whether we are really as far from our genetic ancestors as ...

43,50 CHF

wilde kindheit
I've never tried that before, so I'm completely sure I can do it, " explains Pippi Longstocking. We would like our children to have such a level of self-assurance, but do they currently have the chance to act out unchecked? Today's overprotection and the advancing digitization, which restricts children's urge to move and discover, raise doubts. Children survive the most ...

45,90 CHF

Für immer
Almost everyone has one at home-even if they are not noticed anymore, because provisional solutions not only creep into our lives, they also like to make themselves comfortable in them. Although they were mostly only invented to temporarily remedy a problem, they often remain forever. Sandra Danicke has been collecting photos of everyday provisional solutions for many years. Some she ...

36,50 CHF

Tim Reinecke
Abraum" describes a fleeting, barely noticeable intervention in public space. Returnable bottles were continuously left in the newly built district of Bahnstadt in Heidelberg over a period of six weeks. Bahnstadt exemplarily depicts a space that primarily serves to create value for investors. This is contrasted with a different business model. In addition, questions arise about the possibilities and the ...

30,90 CHF

The Healthy Times
Everyone Must Eat. And, as this is essentially a good thing, the Healthy Boy Band has started a magazine experiment that addresses precisely this issue: All aspects and all forms of eating. The Healthy Times doesn't care if it's an award-winning restaurant or a sausage stand. Rather, it stands for a new values-based approach rooted in sustainability, equality, and also ...

27,90 CHF

Linda Bilda
The Viennese artist Linda Bilda intervened early on in her career in public space with her fearless activities.She founded several journals, produced comics and provocative paintings, organised reading and discussion circles, invented new open air imaging techniques and held international patents for a major invention, which she called light-glass. In her work, she strives for an "emancipatory pictorial policy". The ...

38,90 CHF

Dore Meyer-Vax
Malenswert ist vor allem der Mensch. Was ist das aber für ein Mensch?" lautete das künstlerische Credo der Nürnberger Malerin und Grafikerin Dore Meyer-Vax (1908 - 1980), die in den 1920er-Jahren u. a. bei Max Körner in Nürnberg sowie bei Rudolf Emil Weiß und Karl Hofer in Berlin studiert hat. Nach 1945 thematisierte sie zunächst die Erfahrung des Nationalsozialismus und ...

42,90 CHF

Täter im Bild
The museum is not a pony farm. Because art reveals a wealth of criminal acts in its pictures. It is not uncommon for the viewer to witness scandalous acts and murderous crimes directly. A father assaults his daughters, a naked woman raises her sword at her lover lying helplessly on the ground. But the "perpetrators in the picture" cannot always ...

34,90 CHF

Oliver Ross
Die Kunst von Oliver Ross pulsiert zwischen Chaos und Ordnung, Bewegung und Fixation, groß und klein, high and low. Was ist Raum, was soll die Seele sein, wer sind die anderen und was wollen wir hier tun? Wozu ist die Kunst gut? Der Entwicklung dieser ontologischen Fragen und Verhältnisse spürt die erste Monografie von Oliver Ross nach. Dabei werden tradierte ...

49,90 CHF

ATMOISM. Gestaltete Atmosphären
Mit ATMOISM. Gestaltete Atmosphären. Hermann August Weizenegger" widmet das Kunstgewerbemuseum dem bedeutenden Designer Hermann August Weizenegger eine große Einzelausstellung. Gezeigt werden ca. 20 bühnenbildartige Interventionen, die eigens für diese Ausstellung entworfen wurden. Im Dialog mit der gesamten Dauerausstellung eröffnen sie zugleich Möglichkeitsräume, wie zukünftig Exponate präsentiert und kontextualisiert und wie atmosphärische Rundgänge und Erlebniswelten für die Besucher_innen im Museum geschaffen ...

49,90 CHF

Es gibt viele Dinge, die wir nicht sehen oder nicht wahrnehmen und die uns im Leben dennoch stark beeinflussen." (Winfried Muthesius) Was bedeutet uns Freiheit? Kann sie an Diffamierung grenzen? Wann geraten Gerichte an ihre Grenzen? Stärkt Protest demokratische Freiheitsrechte in Zeiten einer Pandemie? Können wir wieder so vorurteilsfrei werden wie ein Kind? Wie frei ist die Generation der Millenials ...

34,90 CHF

Timm Ulrichs: Ich, Gott und die Welt
I do theater, I hold a great deal of myself, I put myself in the limelight, I produce: me." (Timm Ulrichs) On the occasion of his 80th birthday, Timm Ulrichs pauses and reviews his previous work on the basis of 100 selected exhibits, commented on by 100 authors, in Haus am Lützowplatz Berlin. The strictly formalized exhibition concept provides for ...

48,90 CHF

Michel Grillet
Across the Universe, " Michel Grillet walks through space in his first retrospective overview exhibition in a museum. The artist from Geneva has always been interested in infinite spheres: Diffuse, wide horizons or starry skies often appear in his works. The format deserves special attention: Grillet has become known with miniature-like pictures. He painted night impressions or mountain views in ...

40,90 CHF

Erica Pedretti
Erica Pedretti is an exceptional phenomenon in Swiss art and literature. Alongside her successes as a writer, she has created an independent oeuvre as a visual artist, which can be rediscovered today. Erica Pedretti was born 1930 in Sternberg. She moved to Switzerland in 1946. In Zürich she trained as a silversmith and created her first early small-size works, which ...

43,50 CHF

KH Schmeißer
Using the example of himself, the self-portrait as a head or a whole figure in a mostly empty space, KH Schmeißer painterly refers to current, actual discourses. In his head and figure pictures, man appears as an endangered, uncertain, being. If they are alienated from a reference space, the self-portraits give the impression of isolation and lostness. The obsessive preoccupation ...

51,90 CHF

Norbert Pümpel
Norbert Pümpel started with entropic drawings in the mid-1970s. He addresses complex scientific questions that identify him as a persistent basic researcher in the field of art and science. In his work, he repeatedly takes a stand on socio-political developments and, in particular with the "Scientific Disaster" works, poses the question of ethical responsibility for scientific research. With the large-format ...

32,90 CHF

MQ Libelle. Die Erweiterung eines Kulturareals
The MuseumsQuartier Wien, Europe's largest art and cultural area, is being expanded for the first time with the architectural artwork "MQ Libelle". With the architectural jewel and the terrace landscape the architects Laurids and Manfred Ortner and the artists Brigitte Kowanz and Eva Schlegel have created a lighthouse for contemporary Austrian culture. The comprehensive publication provides detailed insights into the ...

37,90 CHF